Dr. Kristina Ropella

Kristina Ropella
Dr. Kristina RopellaMarquette University

Olin Engineering Hall, 201

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-5460Google Scholar


Opus College of Engineering

Professor, Director of Ph.D. Program in Functional Imaging

Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering


Functional MRI Research Laboratory

Professional Preparation

  • Ph.D., 1989, Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University 
  • M.S., 1987, Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University 
  • B.S., 1985, Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University

Courses Taught

BIEN 2100 Statistics for Biomedical Engineering—Summary of biomedical data and the use of statistics in problem solving for biomedical engineering




Research Interests

  • Signal processing
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Selected Publications

Yan, M, Ward, BD, Ropella KM, DeYoe, EA. "Comparison of Randomized Multifocal Mapping and Temporal Phase Mapping of Visual Cortex for Clinical Use," NeuroImage: Clinical, pp. 143–154, 2013. 

Vizuete JA, Pillay S, Diba K, Ropella KM, Hudetz, AG "Monosynaptic functional connectivity in cerebral cortex during wakefulness and under graded levels of anesthesia," Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 6:90, 2013. 

Vizuete JA , Pillay S, McCallum JB, Ropella KM, Hudetz AG "Cross-correlogram analysis reveals state-dependent neuronal connectivity in the rat cerebral cortex,"British Journal of Anaesthesia, 108(2): 365P366, 2012. 

Fijalkowksi, RJ, Ropella, KM, Stemper BD "Determination of Low-Pass Filter Cutoff Frequencies for High-Rate Biomechanical Signals Obtained Using Videographic Analysis," Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 131:054502, 2009. 

Imas OA, Ropella KM, Wood JD, Hudetz AG "Isoflurane disrupts anterio-posterior phase synchronization of flash-induced field potentials in the rat," Neuroscience Letters, 402(3): 21621, 2006.

Recent Grants

  • Ropella, KM (Principal); “Engineering for the Difference through the Legacy Initiative.” Sponsored by the GHR Foundation (2023–2027).
  • Ropella, KM (Principal); “Thinking and Acting Differently Through the Legacy Initiative: Master’s Across Boundaries.” Sponsored by the GHR Foundation (January 1, 2019–December 31, 2023).
  • Ropella, KM (Principal); “Opus College of Engineering Student Success Center.” Sponsored by private alumni donations (2018–Present).
  • Ropella, KM (Principal); Goldberg, Jay (Co-PI); “Building an Entrepreneurially Minded Ecosystem through Faculty Development, Curriculum Enhancements, and Student Enrichment Opportunities.” Sponsored by the Kern Family Foundation (May 15, 2017–January 30, 2020).
  • Ropella, KM (Principal); “E-Lead Engineering Leadership Program at Marquette University.” Sponsored by private alumni donations (2014–present).
  • "Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network: A KEEN Partnership." Sponsored by The Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Family Foundation, Inc. (September 1, 2014August 31, 2016).

Investigator working in the lab.

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