INSL | Sensorimotor Testing Lab | Human Performance Lab

The facilities at the Integrative Neural Systems Laboratory at the Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering are comprised of over 2750 square feet dedicated to cutting-edge research and student enrichment.


View of INSL at Engineering HallINSL at Engineering Hall

The INSL includes an 800 sq. ft. laboratory in Engineering Hall at Marquette University. The lab maintains dedicated resources for high-performance computer modeling, workstations for analysis of neuroimaging imaging data, and workspace for instrumentation development. The laboratory has a partitionable space for perceptual testing and EEG measurement that is outfitted with 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround for auditory presentation and a wide-field short-throw projection system for visual presentation. The laboratory maintains a BrainAmp MRPlus 64-channel MR compatible EEG system (Brain Products GmbH, Gilching, Germany) for use in simultaneous EEG/FMRI imaging studies of brain function.

test station in Sensorimotor Testing Lab at Cramer HallThe Sensorimotor Testing Laboratory

The Sensorimotor Test lab is a 150 sq. ft. space located in the Falk Neurorehabilitation Engineering Center in Cramer Hall at Marquette University. The space contains clinical tests for assessment of visual and motor function and a test station for assessment of visually guided movements that includes a one-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulandum and computers for task presentation and data collection.


Human Performance Laboratory at Engineering HallThe Human Performance Laboratory

The Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) is an 1800 sq. ft. teaching and research laboratory located in Engineering Hall at Marquette University. Dedicated to Biomedical Engineering students and faculty, the lab includes an instrumented Woodway split-belt treadmill secured to a MOOG hydraulic motion base, a 24-camera motion control system (OptiTrack), a 16-channel wireless EMG (Delsys Trigno) system, force plates (AMTI—two, in-floor), instrumented stairs (AMTI, three steps with two embedded force plates), a portable metabolic cost unit (Cosmed K4B2), and a 90-channel data-acquisition system (National Instruments).  All systems are integrated to facilitate synchronous data acquisition during human subject testing.