Conference Abstracts

2021–Present | 2011–2020 | 2001–2010 | 2000 & Earlier

View the conference abstracts published by the NeuroMotor Control Laboratory at the Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering. 


Mazorow RNRayes RK, *Guerrero ME, *Flores J, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA (2024) Three-dimensional vibrotactile feedback training provides a positive user experience while promoting reach-to-grasp improvement after stroke: a proof-of-concept case report. BMES Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

*Flores J, Mazorow RN, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA (2024) Performance using three-dimensional supplemental vibrotactile feedback to guide reach-to-grasp tasks varies with number of task repetitions. BMES Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Scheidt RA, Polanco PG, Otteman CBD, *Vander Heiden D, Bassindale KD, Mrotek LA, Beardsley S, Nielson K, Paitel E (2024) Rapid tuning of mid-movement error corrections in response to visual and haptic perturbations during manual interception of moving targets. Soc Neurosci., Chicago, IL.

Wagner JC, *Ingram FM, Boccia D, Inglese M, Casadio M, Pierella C, Canessa A, Scheidt RA, Beardsley S (2024) Effects of normative aging on upper extremity sensorimotor control. Soc Neurosci., Chicago, IL.

Mazorow RN, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA (2024) Three-dimensional vibrotactile feedback training promotes reach-to-grasp improvement after stroke: a proof-of-concept case series. Soc Neurosci., Chicago, IL.

Paitel ER, Otteman CBD, *Grady A, Bassindale KD, Mrotek LA, Beardsley SA, Nielson KA, Scheidt RA (2024) Neural dynamics of mid-movement sensorimotor error corrections. Society of Psychophysiological Research, Prague, CR.

Bassindale KD, Golus S, Sytsma ME, Winkoski M, Morelli WA, McGuire JR, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2024) Leveraging wearable technology to increase idle-time activity post-stroke: Characterizing user experiences. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA. February, 2024. Best Poster nomination, Stroke Interest Group.

Mazorow RN, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA (2023) Three-dimensional supplemental kinesthetic feedback can improve target capture accuracy when reaching without vision. Soc Neurosci., Washington, DC.

Golus S, Bassindale KD, Sytsma ME, Morelli WA, Casadio M, Scheidt RA, McGuire JR (2023) Feasibility of implementing a wearable device system among survivors of stroke in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta GA.

McGuire JR, Bassindale KD, Golus S, Sytsma M, Winkowski M, Morelli WA, Scheidt RA (2023) Idle-time exercise: promoting more-involved arm use in the inpatient rehabilitation setting after stroke. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta GA.

Bassindale KD, Golus S, Sytsma M, Winkowski M, Morelli W, McGuire JR, Scheidt RA (2023) Wearable Technology to Increase Activity During Idle-Time Post-Stroke: User Experience While Inpatient and At-Home. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta GA.

Backus D, Bassindale K, Willingham B, Collier GH, Scheidt RA (2023) Sensors and Remote Monitoring in Clinical Care: A Glimpse at the Possibilities. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta GA.

Mazorow R, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA (2023) Reducing Target Capture Error Via 3-Dimensional Vibrotactile Kinesthetic Training: a Feasibility Study. Progress in Clinical Motor Control, Chicago, IL.

Yuk J, Kitchen NM, Przybyla A, Scheidt RA, Sainburg RL (2023) Do bimanual symmetry and synchrony imply control coupling? Progress in Clinical Motor Control, Chicago, IL

McGuire J, Bassindale KD, Golus S, Sytsma M, Winkoski M, Morelli W, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2023) Potential benefits of idle-time exercise to promote more-involved arm use in the inpatient rehabilitation setting after stroke. Progress in Clinical Motor Control, Chicago, IL

Golus S, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA, Sytsma M, Morelli W, Winkowski M, McGuire M (2023) Feasibility of implementing a wearable device system among survivors of stroke in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. Progress in Clinical Motor Control, Chicago, IL

Bassindale KD, Golus S, Sytsma M, Winkowski M, Morelli W, McGuire J, Scheidt RA (2023) Usability of a wearable technology system among survivors of stroke in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. Progress in Clinical Motor Control, Chicago, IL

Winkowski M, Scheidt RA, McGuire J, Bassindale KD, Golus S, Sytsma M, Morelli W (2023) Implementation of a remote rehabilitation program system for survivors of stroke into a free-standing rehabilitation hospital. Progress in Clinical Motor Control, Chicago, IL

Mazorow RD, Scheidt RA (2023) Promoting Functional Arm Movement Via 3-Dimensional Vibrotactile Kinesthetic Training. BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

*Guerrero M, Mazorow RD, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA (2023) Sex-Based Differences in Goal-Directed Reaching Before and After Training with Supplemental Kinesthetic Vibrotactile Feedback. BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Hadjiosif AM, Kita K, Albert ST, Scheidt RA, Shadmehr R Krakauer JW (2023) Interaction between movement control and abnormal resting posture after stroke. Soc Neural Control Movement, Vancouver, CA

*Grady A, Lutz O, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2023) Transfer of Learned Patterns of Grip Coordination between Rigid and Compliant Objects. 2023 Big East Poster Symposium. New York, NY.

Scheidt RA, Morelli WA, Bassindale K, Golus S, Casadio M, Sytsma M, Winkoski M, McGuire J (2023) Souvenir—a case study of challenges and opportunities in the integration of computational intelligence with wearable rehabilitation technology in acute care and at-home settings. NSF DARE 2023: Transformative Opportunities for Modeling in Rehabilitation, Univ Southern CA, Los Angeles, CA.

Wagner JC, *Ingram FM, Boccia D, Inglese M, Casadio M, Pierella C, Canessa A, Scheidt RA, Beardsley SA (2023) Cortical Network Reorganization Associated with Upper Extremity Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis.  ACTRIMS, San Diego, CA.

Lantagne D, Mrotek LA, Hoelzle JB, Thomas DG, Scheidt RA (2022) Effects of intentionally suppressing kinematic performance on implicit sensorimotor adaptation of movement extent. 6th International Summer School of Neuroengineering, Genoa, Italy.

Lutz O, *Grady A, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2022) Transfer of learned patterns of grip coordination between rigid and compliant objects. 6th International Summer School of Neuroengineering, Genoa, Italy.

*Grady A,Lutz O, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2022) Grip coordination patterns learned while manipulating rigid objects transfer incompletely to compliant objects but not vice versa. Soc Neurosci., San Diego, CA.

Mazorow RN, Scheidt RA (2022) Comparing eccentric rotating mass vibration motors’ response profiles used for sensory augmentation. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting 2022, San Antonio, TX.

Rayes RK, Mrotek LA, Scheidt RA (2022) Assessing Hand Reaching Under Different Encoding Methods of Supplemental Kinesthetic Feedback. International Stroke Conference 2022, New Orleans, LA.

Horder J, *Corrigan E, Systma M, Mrotek LA, McGuire JR, Scheidt RA (2022) A Personalized Exercise Cueing System to Address Arm Non-Use After Stroke. International Stroke Conference 2022, New Orleans, LA.

Scheidt RA, Moro M, Pilia G, *Ludwig E, Brasch B, Mrotek LA, Casadio M, Ranganathan R (2021) Bowing a re-strung violin: a real-world test of motor re-learning. Soc Neurosci., Chicago, IL

*Nelson L, Mrotek LA, Casadio M, Scheidt RA, Ranganathan R (2021) Quantitative measures of task similarity to assess transfer in motor learning. Soc Neurosci., Chicago, IL

Wagner JC, Ballardini G, Bommarito G, Inglese M, Casadio M, Canessa A, Scheidt RA, Beardsley SA (2021) Hidden Markov modelling of altered cortical networks during reach in people with multiple sclerosis and intention tremor. Soc Neurosci., Chicago, IL

Hadjiosif AM, Kita K, Albert ST, Scheidt RA, Shadmehr R Krakauer JW (2021) Post-stroke postural abnormalities in the arm and their relationship to loss of motor control. Soc Neurosci., Chicago, IL

Pomplun E, Stochino A, Mrotek LA, Ryan K, Agnew Sievers M, McGonigle E, Bucci F, Casadio M, Scheidt R, McGuire J (2021) Fashion-Forward Wearable Devices Addressing Post-Stroke Neglect—A Pilot Study of System Tolerance. Accepted American Physical Therapy Associate Combined Sections meeting.

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Peters D, Lantagne D, Hoelzle JB, Thomas DG, Mrotek LA, Scheidt RA (2020) Independent adaptations of movement direction and extent during goal-directed reaching. Society For Neuroscience Global Connectome (accepted).

Moro M, Casadio M, Mrotek LA, Odone F, Ranganathan R, Scheidt R (2020) A comparison of active marker and deep learning based marker-less tracking of human motion in 3D. Society For Neuroscience Global Connectome (accepted).

Mrotek LA, Shah V, Casadio M, Nielson KA, Scheidt RA (2018) Influence of age and practice on the discrimination of sequential and simultaneous vibrotactile stimuli. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Shah V, Mrotek LA, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2018) Vibrotactile feedback-guided reaching during single- and dual-task conditions. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Lantagne D, Mrotek LA, Beardsley S, Thomas D, Smith C, Leigh D, Ahamed I, Scheidt RA (2018) Does motor memory usage change in concussed individuals performing a sensorimotor task? Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Scheidt RA (2018) Toward the mitigation of proprioceptive deficits after stroke. Prog Clin Motor Control 1, College Park, PA.

Ballardini G, Carlini G, Scheidt RA, Nisky I, Casadio M (2017) Tactile-STAR: A novel tactile STimulator And Recorder system for evaluating and improving tactile acuity. Perception and action in Complex Environments III, Genoa, Italy.

Shadmehr R, Scheidt RA, Prut Y (2017) Distinct neural circuits for control of movement vs. holding still. Soc. Neural Control Movement, Dublin, Ireland.

Risi N, Mrotek LA, Shah V, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2017) Learning to use supplemental vibrotactile feedback of limb position enhances goal-directed reach performance. Soc. Neural Control Movement, Dublin, Ireland.

Bengtson M, Mrotek LA, Stoeckmann T, Ghez CP, Scheidt RA (2017) Deficits in proprioception differentially impair arm stabilization and movement after stroke. Soc. Neurosci. Washington DC.

Slick RA, Lantagne D, Mrotek LA, Beardsley S, Thomas D, Smith C, Moody H, Leigh D, Ahamed I, Scheidt RA (2017) Memory use during implicit learning varies across sensory feedback conditions but is not impacted by interposed self-assessments. Soc. Neurosci. Washington DC.

Johnson N, Van Abel M, Van Hecke A, Ahamed SI, Scheidt R (2017) Assessing Preparation For Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Research Study of Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Parent. 13th International Family Nursing Conference, Pamplona Spain, June 14-17, 2017.

Risi N, Krueger A, Giannoni P, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2016) Learning to use supplemental kinaesthetic feedback for enhancing reach performance. Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, Be'er Sheva, Israel.

Shah V, Gagas M, Krueger A, Iandolo R, *Peters D, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2016) Vibrotactile discrimination thresholds vary among dermatomes in the upper extremity of healthy humans. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego, CA

Mrotek LA, Bengtson M, Stoeckmann T, Ghez CP, McGuire J, Scheidt RA (2016) Deficits of coordination, sensation, agility and strength predict motor dysfunction after stroke. Soc Neurosci. San Diego, CA.

Beardsley SA, Scheidt RA (2016) Sensorimotor dynamics in the brain during intermittent control of goal-directed movements. International Society for Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Chicago, IL

Krueger A, Giannoni P, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2016) Optimizing supplemental vibrotactile feedback for real-time control of arm stabilization behaviors in humans. Am Conf Human Vibration, Milwaukee WI.

Shah V, Gagas M, Krueger A, Iandola R, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2016) Vibrotactile discrimination in the upper extremity of healthy human subjects. Am Conf Human Vibration, Milwaukee WI.

Johnson N, Salowitz N,  *Van Abel M, Van Hecke A,  Ahamed SI, Scheidt RA (2016) Using an iPad Application to Prepare Children with ASD for Research MRI. IMFAR, Baltimore, MD.

Scheidt RA (2016) Facilitation and interference in multi-dimensional motor skill learning. COSYNE Workshops, Salt Lake City, UT.

Scheidt RA (2015) Facilitation and interference in the learning of motor tasks with and without overlapping dimensions. Prog Motor Control X. Budapest, Hungary.

Suminski AJ, Scheidt RA (2015) Neural correlates of nonlinear integration of visual and proprioceptive feedback during wrist stabilization. Soc Neurosci Chicago IL.

Bengtson MC, Stoeckmann T, Mrotek LA, Ghez C, Scheidt RA (2015) Neuromuscular control bandwidth at the elbow following stroke. Soc Neurosci Chicago IL.

Mrotek LA, Bengtson MC, Stoeckmann T, Ghez C, Scheidt RA (2015) Age differences in muscle activation patterns supporting arm stabilization. Soc Neurosci Chicago IL.

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Woo D, Beardsley SA (2015) Visuomotor delay adaptation reduces intention tremor in multiple sclerosis: a case series. Soc Neurosci Chicago IL.

Mrotek LA, Bengtson MC, *Smith C, Stoeckmann T, Ghez C, Scheidt RA (2015) Reliability of the Arm Movement Detection (AMD) test. Neur Contr Mov Soc. Charleston, SC.

Scheidt RA, Mrotek LA, Bengtson MC, Stoeckmann T, Ghez C (2015) Muscle coordination for feedback stabilization of arm posture after stroke. Neur Contr Mov Soc. Charleston, SC.

Salowitz N, Van Hecke A, Scheidt RA (2015) Integration of visual and proprioceptive perception of movement kinematics in children with & without Autism Spectrum Disorder. IMFAR Salt Lake City UT

Salowitz N, Van Hecke A, Johnson N, Scheidt RA (2015) Neural correlates of goal-directed reaching movements in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, UT.

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Woo D, Beardsley S (2014) The Role of Visual Feedback in Movement Control in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. CMSC-ACTRIMS, Orlando, FL.

Simo LS, Piovesan D, Botzer L, Bengtson M, Ghez CP, Scheidt RA (2013) Arm kinematics during blind and visually guided movements in hemiparetic stroke survivors. Soc. Neurosci, San Diego, CA.

Scheidt RA (2013) Uncertainty in the limits of visual depth perception. Soc Neurosci San Diego CA

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Beardsley S (2013) Age-related differentiation of sensorimotor control strategies during pursuit and compensatory tracking. Soc. Neurosci, San Diego, CA.

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Woo D, Beardsley S (2013) Impairments in Sensorimotor Control and Tremor in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. CMSC-ACTRIMS, Orlando, FL.

Simo L, Botzer L, Bengtson M, Ghez C, Scheidt RA (2012) Impaired control of movement trajectory and final position in reaching after stroke. Soc. Neurosci, San Diego, CA.

Ranganathan R, Farshchiansadegh A, Scheidt RA, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2012) Implicitly Eliciting Changes in Finger Coordination Patterns. Soc. Neurosci, San Diego, CA.

Kim S, Schaal S, Scheidt RA, Schweighofer N (2012) Directed exploration during learning of a high-dimensional motor task. Soc. Neurosci, San Diego, CA.

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Woo D, Bobholz D, Beardsley S (2012) Impairments in sensorimotor control during pursuit and compensatory tracking tasks in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Soc. Neurosci, San Diego, CA.

Mosier KM, Scheidt RA, Mussa-Ivaldi (2012) Central Mechanisms of Control in Coordinated Movement: How does the brain handle redundancy? Neur Contr Mov Soc. Venice, Italy.

Scheidt RA Salowitz N, Zimbelman J, Suminski A, Simo L, Houk J, Mosier KM (2012) Memory and prediction in cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum. Neur Contr Mov Soc. Venice, Italy.

Ranganathan R, Wieser J,  Mosier KM, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Scheidt RA (2012) Learning finger coordination patterns by altering dimensionality. Neur Contr Mov Soc. Venice, Italy.

Botzer L, Ghez C, Simo L, Scheidt RA (2011) Transfer of visuomotor learning between movement and posture control actions: case studies in the hemiparetic arm post-stroke. Soc. Neurosci, Washington, DC.

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Beardsley S (2011) Characterization of movement performance in Multiple Sclerosis. Soc. Neurosci, Washington, DC.

Eccarius P, Foxworthy T, Wang Y, Scheidt RA, Mussa-Ivaldi F, Mosier K (2011) Motor Space Encoding in Motor Learning: Learning the metrics of space when grasp substitutes for reach. Soc. Neurosci, Washington, DC.

Ranganathan R, Wieser JA, Scheidt RA (2011) Reduced dimensionality training and learning of finger coordination patterns. Soc. Neurosci, Washington, DC.

Salowitz NMG, Van Hecke A, Scheidt RA (2011) Mirror drawing in an autistic child. Soc. Neurosci, Washington, DC.

Scheidt RA, Salowitz N, Zimbelman J, Suminski A, Simo L, Houk J, Mosier KM (2011) Learning visualized in the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum. 8th Intl Conf Complex Syst, Quincy MA

Kim SS, Scheidt RA, Schaal S, Schweighofer N (2011) Learning a new motor skill with a high-dimension motor system: preliminary results. Neural Cont. Movement Soc. Puerto Rico.


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Ranganathan R, Danziger Z, Eccarius P, Scheidt RA, Mosier KM, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2010) Remapping of Hand Movements: Redundancy in Hand Postures. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Mosier KM, Eccarius P, Emerson S, Wang Y, Scheidt RA, Mussa-Ivaldi, FA (2010) Adaptive Representation of Reach and Grasp. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Salowitz N, Zimbelman J, Simo L, Suminski AJ, Scheidt RA (2010) Behavioral regression in functional magnetic resonance image analysis of sensory-motor learning. Soc Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Kanade PN, Ghez C, Wieser J, Botzer L, Simo LS, Scheidt RA (2010) Altered control of muscle activation and deactivation in the hemiparetic elbow post stroke. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Sukerkar P, Scheidt RA, Beardsley S (2010) Source Localization of Sensory Error Signals in the Brain for Visuomotor Control Using EEG. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Scheidt RA, Casadio M, Liu X, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Mosier KM (2010) Errors in movement direction and extent are processed separately and in computationally distinct ways during learning. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego CA.

Botzer L, Kanada PN, Ghez C,  Scheidt RA (2010). Proprioceptive detection threshold decreases with increasing integration time in healthy humans. CMCW, Israel.

Scheidt RA, Casadio, M, Liu X, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Mosier KM (2010) Movement direction and extent errors are processed separately and in computationally distinct ways during learning. CMCW, Israel.

Kanade PN, Ghez C, Wieser J, Botzer L, Simo LS, Scheidt RA (2010). Muscle activation and deactivation in the hemiparetic elbow post-stroke. CMCW, Israel.

Scheidt RA, Liu X, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Mosier KM (2010) Reorganization of coordination among redundant control signals during adaptation to rotation and scaling distortions of a newly learned sensorimotor transformation. Comp Mot Contr Workshop, Israel.

Eccarius P, Scheidt RA (2010) Defining an articulatory joint space for sign language handshapes. LabPhon. Albuquerque, NM.

Eccarius P, Scheidt RA (2010) The articulatory joint space of sign language handshape production and perception. TISLR. Indianapolis, IN.

Conrad MO, Scheidt RA, Schmit B (2009) Effects of tendon vibration on manual tracking tasks after stroke. Soc. Neurosci, 33. Chicago, IL. Online.

Poladia C, Scheidt RA, Beardsley S (2009) Characterizing sensorimotor integration during wrist stabilization: a systems identification approach. Soc. Neurosci, 33. Chicago, IL. Online.

Scheidt RA, Simo LS, Ghez C, Wieser JA (2009) Robotic evaluation of arm proprioception following stroke. Soc. Neurosci. 33, Chicago, IL. Online.

Conrad MO, Scheidt RA, Schmit B (2008) Effects of sensory manipulations on targeted arm movements after stroke. Soc. Neurosci, 32. Washington DC.

Poladia C, Scheidt RA, Beardsley S (2008) Systems Identification of Sensory-motor Control for Visually Guided Wrist Movements. Soc. Neurosci, 32. Washington DC.

Gregor N, Chua M, Matheys L, Nathan D, Rath S, Walker E, Xu R, Scheidt RA (2008) Temporal delays between visualizing the hand and onset of reaching degrades movement accuracy. Soc. Neurosci, 32. Washington DC.

Liu X, Scheidt RA (2008) Differential reorganization of redundant control variables in adapting to rotation and dilation of a novel sensorimotor mapping. Soc. Neurosci, 32. Washington DC.

Conrad M, Scheidt RA, Schmit B (2008) Effects of vibration on targeted arm movements. Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Naples, FL.

Asnani S, Ghez C & Scheidt RA (2008) Differential control of arm trajectory and final position: electromyographic correlates of trajectory planning errors. Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Naples, FL.

Kanade P, Ghez C & Scheidt RA (2008) Spatial mapping of posture-dependent endpoint forces in the hypertonic arm post-stroke: a novel application of rehabilitation robotics. Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Naples, FL.

Smith M, Scheidt RA & Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2008) Error clamps for studying motor learning: How the ability to experimentally control error signals can give new insights into motor adaptation. Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Naples, FL.

Kurtzer I, Perreault E, Sainburg R & Scheidt RA (2008) Flexibility and coordination of upper limb reflexes.  Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Naples, FL.

Zimbelman JL, Suminski, AJ, Rao SM, & Scheidt RA (2008) Neural correlates of internal models for adapting goal-directed wrist movements.  Abstr Am Phys Thera Assn.

Suminski A, Rao S, Mosier K and Scheidt R (2007) Distinct neuronal circuits process kinematic performance errors over long and short time scales during wrist stabilization. Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Seville Spain.

Zimbelman J, Suminski A, Rao S and Scheidt R (2007) Predicting the future: neural correlates of internal models in the cerebellum and anterior cingulate. Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Seville Spain.

Bastian A, Scheidt R, Celnik P and Krakauer J (2007) Does our current understanding of motor learning and memory actually help patients? Neural Cont. Movement Soc, Seville Spain.

Pompe JW, Suminski AJ and Scheidt RA (2006) Neural Correlates of Wrist Stabilization Guided by Time-varying Visual Feedback. Proceedings of the BMES Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Suminski AJ, Zimbelman JL and Scheidt RA (2006) Experimental Validation of an MR-Compatible Manipulandum. Proceedings of the BMES Society Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.

Haswell TM and Scheidt RA (2006) Does motor adaptation depend on the statistical properties of the environment? Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 32. Atlanta, GA.

Heijink H, Ghez C and Scheidt RA (2006) Reaching errors reflect separate sources of spatial and temporal variability in trajectory and final position planning. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci, 32. Atlanta, GA.

Zimbelman, JL, Scheidt RA, Rao SM and Suminski AJ (2006) During reach, neural activity in primary sensorimotor areas increases with movement extent, not force. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci, 32. Atlanta, GA.

Suminski AJ, Rao SM, Mosier KM and Scheidt RA (2006) Contributions of premotor-parietal networks to sensory-to-motor transformations—an FMRI study. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 32. Atlanta, GA.

Scheidt RA and Ghez C (2006) Asymmetric transfer of learning and systematic extent errors are predicted by independent control of trajectory and final equilibrium position in reaching. Neural Cont. Movement Soc. Key Biscayne, FL.

Suminski A, Rao S, Mosier K and Scheidt RA (2006) Neural and Electromyographic Correlates of Wrist Posture Regulation in Humans. Neural Cont. Movement Soc. Key Biscayne, FL.

Liu X and Scheidt RA (2006) Trial-by-trial remapping of novel motor coordination patterns. Neural Cont. Movement Soc. Key Biscayne, FL.

Scheidt RA & Ghez C (2006) Independent control of trajectory and final equilibrium position predicts asymmetric transfer of learning and systematic extent errors in reaching. Computational Motor Control Workshop II, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

Bengston M, Suminski A, Tomkowiak M, Asnani S & Scheidt RA (2005) Effects of auditory biofeedback on wrist stabilization. Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Society.

Liu X, Mosier KM, Mussa-Ivaldi FA & Scheidt RA (2005) Learning novel finger coordination by reduced visual feedback. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 31. Washington, DC.

Mosier KM, Scheidt RA, Acosta S, Lau C, Wang Y & Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2005) Motor space learning: behavioral mechanisms and neural correlates of remapping hand movements in a novel geometrical environment. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 31. Washington, DC.

Ghez C, Scheidt R, & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA (2005) Posture and movement invoke separate adaptive mechanisms and are represented in different coordinate systems. Proceedings of the Computational Motor Control Workshop, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

Thoroughman K, Sabes P, Scheidt R & Smith M. (2005) Movement-by-movement Motor Adaptation: A Novel Window into Computations and Mechanisms of Neural Control. Neural Cont. Movement Soc. Key Biscayne, FL.

Mosier KM, Scheidt, RA  & Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2005) Independent neural mechanisms for the control of posture and movement in learning control of an artificial endpoint. Neural Cont. Movement Soc. Key Biscayne, FL.26).

Ghez C, I Dinstein, J Cappell, & Scheidt RA (2004) Posture and movement are encoded in different coordinate systems. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 30. San Diego, CA.

Scheidt RA, Mussa-Ivaldi FA & Ghez C (2004) Posture and movement invoke separate adaptive mechanisms. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 30. San Diego, CA.

Suminski,, AJ, Rao, SM, Verber, M, Mosier, KM & Scheidt, RA (2004) Sensorimotor coincidence enhances cerebellar output during feedback stabilization of the wrist. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 30. San Diego, CA.

Mosier, KM, Scheidt, RA, Acosta, S & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA (2004) Remapping of finger coordination in a novel geometrical environment: a non-invasive testbed for brain-machine interfaces. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 30. San Diego, CA.

Suminski, AJ & Scheidt, RA (2004) Control system for MRI-compatible pneumatic manipulandum. Proceed. of the IEEE EMBS Soc.

Mosier KM, Wang, Y Scheidt, R, Acosta, S & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA (2004) Radiology and the cyborg: a novel functional imaging paradigm as a testbed for brain-machine interfaces. Abstr. of the Radiological Society of North America.

Mosier, KM, Scheidt, RA, Acosta, S & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA (2004) Learning control in novel coordinate systems: Implications for Brain-machine Interfaces. Abstr. Neural Cont. Movement Soc.

Scheidt, RA & Stoeckmann, T (2004) Reaching in uncertain environments following stroke. Proc. Neural Control of Movement Soc.

Scheidt, RA, Mussa-Ivaldi, FA & Ghez, C (2004) Different adaptive mechanisms for posture and movement control? Proc. Neural Control of Movement Soc.

Scheidt, RA & Mah, CD (2003) Feedforward control of virtual (isometric) reaching. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 29. New Orleans, LA.

Judkins, TN & Scheidt, RA (2003) Sensory coherence and memory-based motor adaptation. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 29. New Orleans, LA.

Lillis, KP & Scheidt, RA (2003) Hand path curvature sensitivity during reaching. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 29. New Orleans, LA.

Secco, EL, Scheidt, RA, Patton, J. & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA (2003) Misrepresentation of limb dynamics induced by the suppression of visual errors. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neurosci., 29. New Orleans, LA.

Benz, E. Scheidt, RA, Schmit, BD (2003) Clinical Quantification of Spasticity in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Abstr. of the American Physical Therapy Association.

Scheidt, RA Mah, CD and Mussa-Ivaldi, FA (2002) The role of concurrent sensory feedback in performing a virtual (isometric) reaching task. Abstr. Soc. for Neuroscience, 28, Orlando, FL.

Amir, H, Scheidt, RA, Kuiken, T (2002) Computerized Biofeedback Knee Goniometer: Acceptance and Effect on Exercise Behavior in Post Total-knee Arthroplasty Rehabilitation. Proceed. of the Association for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation., 83: 1660-1661.

Scheidt, RA, Mussa-Ivaldi, FA and Mah, CD (2002) The role of concurrent sensory feedback in motor adaptation in a virtual (isometric) reaching task. Abstr. Neural Control of Movement Soc.

Scheidt, RA, Dingwell, JB. & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA. (2001) A linear systems approach to modeling motor adaptation. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience., 27.

Scheidt, RA, Dingwell, JB. & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA. (2001) Internal model formation for control in stochastic environments. Abstr. of the III International Symposium on Progress in Motor Control, Montreal, CA. p. 41.


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2000 & Earlier

Dingwell, JB, Mah, CD, Scheidt, RA & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA. (2000) Do subjects learn feed-forward internal models when manipulating mass-spring objects? Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 2621)

Scheidt, RA & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA. (1999) Time series analysis of motor adaptation. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 25.

Scheidt, RA, Conditt, MA, Reinkensmeyer, DJ & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA. (1997) Motor adaptation persists in the absence of kinematic errors. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 23, 36.

Conditt, MA, Scheidt, RA & Mussa-Ivaldi, FA. (1997) Visual influence on learning arm dynamics. Abstr. of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 23, 36.

Scheidt, RA & Rymer, WZ. (1996) Single- and multi-joint arm movements: are they controlled the same way? Abstracts of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 22, 1640.

Scheidt, RA, Dewald, JP & Rymer, WZ. (1995) A time-delay estimate of muscle EMG-to-force processing for use in the study of motor control.  Abstracts of the Soc. for Neuroscience, 21, 681.25)

Scheidt, RA, & Kertesz, AE. (1992) Spatiotemporal aspects of sensory interactions during fusional response. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 33(4), 1334.

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