Conference Papers

Recent Conference Papers | Conference Papers from 2020 & Earlier

View the peer-reviewed conference papers generated by the NeuroMotor Control Laboratory at the Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Biomedical Engineering. 

Conference Papers from 2021–Present

Anderson HE,  *Ganje G, Scheidt RA, Bassindale KD (2024) A Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches to Activity Classification using IMU Data Collected in a Community-Based SettingIEEE  EMBS Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN). Chicago, IL.

Mazorow R, Bassindale KD, Scheidt RA (2024) 3-Dimensional Vibrotactile Feedback Training Promotes Positive User Experience and Improvement in Reach-to-Grasp KinematicsConf Proc. IEEE EMBC, Orlando, FL.

Moro M, Casadio M, Mrotek LA, Ranganathan R, Scheidt RA, Odone F (2021) On The Precision Of Markerless 3d semantic features: An experimental study on violin playing. Conf Proc IEEE ICIP, Anchorage, AK.

Conference Papers from 2020 and Earlier

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Conference Papers from 2020–2011

Lantagne D, Mrotek LA, Beardsley SA, Thomas DG, Leigh D, Ahamed SI, Scheidt RA (2019) The contribution of sensorimotor memories to implicit motor learning after concussion. Rocky Mnt Bioeng Symp, Milwaukee, WI. Program Chairman's Award.

Galofaro E, Scheidt RA, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M (2018) Testing the ability to represent and control a contact force. Intl Conf Neurorehab, Pisa, Italy.

Shah VA, Risi N, Ballardini G, Mrotek LA, Casadio M, Scheidt RA (2018) Effect of Dual Tasking on Vibrotactile Feedback Guided Reaching – a Pilot Study. Conf Proc. EuroHaptics, Pisa Italy.

Suminski AJ, *Doudlah RC, Scheidt RA (2016) Neural mechanisms mediating limb stabilization in older adults and chronic stroke survivors: A pilot study. Conf Proc IEEE EMBS Orlando, FL.

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Woo D, Beardsley, SA (2015) Visual delay adaptation reduces intention tremor in Multiple Sclerosis: A case series. Conf Proc IEEE EMBS Soc, Milan, Italy.

Tzorakoleftherakis E, Bengtson MC, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Scheidt RA, Murphey TD (2015) Tactile proprioceptive input in robotic telerehabilitation after stroke. Conf Proc IEEE ICRA Soc., Seattle, WA.

Bengtson MC, Mrotek LA, Stoeckmann T, Ghez C, Scheidt RA (2014) Stroke reduces neuromotor control bandwidth at the elbow – a pilot study. Conf Proc BMES Soc, Houston, TX.

Bengtson MC, Mrotek LA, Stoeckmann T, Ghez C, Scheidt RA (2014) The arm motion (AMD) detection test. Conf Proc IEEE EMBS Soc, Chicago, IL.

Simo LS, Piovesan D, Scheidt RA, Ghez C, Laczko J (2014) Submovements during reaching movements after stroke. Conf Proc IEEE EMBS Soc, Chicago, IL.

Heenan M, Scheidt RA, Beardsley SA (2014) Age-related differentiation of sensorimotor control strategies during pursuit and compensatory tracking. Conf Proc IEEE EMBS Soc, Chicago, IL.

Tzorakoleftherakis E, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Scheidt RA, Murphey TD (2014) Effects of Optimal Tactile Feedback in Balancing Tasks: a Pilot Study Submitted: IEEE American Control Conf., Portland, OR

Mrotek LA, Stoeckmann T, Bengtson M, Ghez C, Scheidt RA (2013) Deficits of sensorimotor control and their impact on limb stabilization post-stroke: a case series. Am Soc Neur Rehab, San Diego, CA.

Salowitz NMG, Dolan B, Remmel R, Van Hecke A, Mosier KM, Simo L, Scheidt RA (2013) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Goal-Directed Reaching in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Feasibility Study. Proc 17th World Multi-Conf: System, Cybernet & Inform, Orlando, FL. 17: 187-192. Best Paper Award.

Heenan ML, Scheidt RA, Beardsley SA (2011) Visual and proprioceptive contributions to stabilization and tracking movements in humans. Conf Proc IEEE EMBS Soc, Boston, MA: 7356-9.

Simo LS, Ghez C, Botzer L, Scheidt RA (2011) A quantitative and standardized robotic method for the evaluation of arm proprioception after stroke. Conf Proc IEEE EMBS Soc, Boston, MA: 8227-30.

Conference Papers from 2001–2010

Zimbelman JL, Suminski, AJ, Rao SM, Scheidt RA (2007) Predicting the future: neural correlates of internal models NeuroImage, 36: Suppl 1, p. S65.

Suminski AJ, Rao SM, & Scheidt RA (2007) Contribution of the cerebellum and posterior parietal cortex in the integration of visual and proprioceptive feedback for the online correction of performance errors during stabilization of wrist posture. NeuroImage, 36: Suppl 1, p. S40.

Suminski AJ, Zimbelman JL, & Scheidt RA (2007) Experimental validation of a MR-compatible pneumatic manipulandum for imaging the neural correlates of motor control. NeuroImage, 36: Suppl 1, p. S123.

Zimbelman JL, Bratcher K, Rao SM, Suminski AJ & Scheidt RA (2007) Neural activity in primary sensorimotor cortex increases with movement extent (not force) during goal-directed movement. NeuroImage, 36: Suppl 1, p.S76.

Karnik S, Johnson MJ and Scheidt RA (2007) Evaluation of position based cueing strategies for bilateral robotic assessment and therapy after stroke Proc RESNA Conf. Phoenix, Arizona.

Patton J, Wei Y, Scharver, C, Kenyon RV and Scheidt RA (2006) Motivating rehabilitation by distorting reality Proc Intl. Conf Biorob. Pisa, Italy.

Scheidt, RA & Stoeckmann, T (2005) Characterization of Motor Adaptation and Limb Posture Regulation During Arm Reaching Movements Following Stroke. IEEE Intern. Conf Robotics Rehab.

Wei Y, Patton J, Baja P & Scheidt R (2005) Visual Error Augmentation for Enhancing Motor Learning and Rehabilitative Relearning. IEEE Intern. Conf Robotics Rehab. Chicago, IL.

Wei Y, Patton J, Baja P & Scheidt R (2004) A real-time haptic/graphic demonstration of how error augmentation can enhance learning. Proc International Conf Robotics and Automation.

Scheidt, RA (2004) A vector-ARX model of motor adaptation during reaching. Advances in Computational Motor Control III- Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

Lillis, KP & Scheidt, RA (2003) Sensitivity to hand path curvature during reaching. IEEE EMBS Soc. Cancun MX.

Scheidt, RA, Waples, L & Ropella, KM (2002) Reengineering biomedical engineering curricula: A new product development approach. Proceed. of the IEEE EMBS/BMES Soc., Houston, Tx.

Suminski, AJ, Ropella, KM & Scheidt RA (2002) A pneumatically actuated manipulandum for neuromotor control research. Proceed. of the IEEE EMBS/BMES Soc., Houston, Tx

Lillis, KP, Amans, MR & Scheidt RA (2002) Design and Validation of a real-time controller for a two-joint neurorehabilitation robot. Proceed. of the IEEE EMBS/BMES Soc., Houston, Tx.

Amans, MR, Lillis, KP & Scheidt RA (2002) Compensation for the passive dynamics of a five-bar neurorehabilitation robot. Proceed. of the IEEE EMBS/BMES Soc., Houston, Tx.

Mussa-Ivaldi, FA, Conditt, MA, Dingwell, JB, Karniel, A, Mah, CD, Patton, JL & Scheidt RA (2002) A force-field approach to the adaptive control and learning of arm movements. Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 4-9, 2002. 

Conference Papers from 2000 & Earlier 

Scheidt, RA & Rymer, WZ (1996) A comparison of single- and multi-joint arm movements in the horizontal plane Engineering Foundation Conference, Deer Creek, Ohio.

Battocletti, JH, Myers, TJ & Scheidt, RA (1989) A low-field P-31 NMR spectrometer to measure bone mineral in the human wrist. Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Society, Seattle, WA.


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