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Computational Lung Physiology Laboratory

The Computational Lung Physiology Laboratory (CLPL) develops experimental and computational strategies to investigate lung physiology at all levels—from molecular, to cellular, to whole-organ and body.  Our goal is to identify mechanisms and processes involved in lung diseases and injuries such as sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome.  We then develop treatments for these diseases that target the elucidated mechanisms.  

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Our Collaboration

The Computational Lung Physiology Laboratory is comprised of three interdisciplinary investigators who have been collaborating and continuously funded for more than 20 years.  Dr. Said Audi is a biomedical engineer with expertise in computational modeling, pulmonary metabolism and hemodynamics, and acute lung injury.  Dr. Anne Clough is an applied mathematician whose research investigates structure-function relationships in the lung using novel imaging and modeling strategies.  Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs is a pulmonary and critical care physician with special interests in conditions and diseases affecting the lung vasculature.  This broad range of expertise allows the team at the Computational Lung Physiology Laboratory to tackle important physiological and clinical problems using wide-ranging computational and experimental strategies.

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Clinical Motivation

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a devastating lung disorder characterized by rapidly progressing lung failure.  It is one of the most frequent causes of admission to medical intensive care units.  Severe ARDS accounts for 75,000 deaths, 3.6 million hospital days and $5 billion in healthcare costs in the U.S. alone per year.  The high mortality rate and cost of severe ARDS are due to the lack of means for early detection when the condition is most treatable, as well as lack of effective therapies to either prevent or treat the syndrome.  Addressing this critical clinical need is an important long-term goal of the CLPL.   


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