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Dr. Tongtong Lu's manuscript accepted for publication

September 2024: Dr. Tongtong Lu’s manuscript, entitled “Realtime and noninvasive assessment of endotracheal tube displacement using near infrared and visible cameras” has been accepted for publication by Biomedical Optics Express. Co-authors include Pawjai Khampang, Ahmed Beydoun, Anna Berezovsky, Rebecca Rohde, Wenzhou Hong, Joseph Kerschner, and Bing Yu.


Dr. Tongtong Lu accepts tenure-track faculty position

August 2024: Dr. Tongtong Lu started a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin—Oshkosh. Congratulations!


New graduate student joins the Biophotonics Laboratory

August 2024: Seyed Amir Arjmand joined the Biophotonics Laboratory as a new PhD student. Welcome Amir!


Alli Scarbrough's recent publication featured on SPIE and EurekaAlert!

February 2024: Recent publication from Biophotonics Lab PhD Candidate Allison Scarbrough titled, "Designing a use-error robust machine learning model for quantitative analysis of diffuse reflectance spectra," featured on SPIE and EurekaAlert! websites. 


Dr. Tongtong Lu's manuscript accepted for publication

January 2024: Manuscript from Biophotonics Lab Postdoctoral fellow, Tongtong Lu, titled, "Continuous monitoring of endotracheal tube position with near infrared light," has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Biomedical Optics.


News Archive 

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  • December 2023: Manuscript from Biophotonics Lab PhD Candidate, Allison Scarbrough, titled, "Designing a use-error robust machine learning model for quantitative analysis of diffuse reflectance spectra," has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Biomedical Optics.
  • June 2023: Dr. Bing Yu and collaborators receive a $50,000 grant from Northwestern Mutal Data Science Institute for their research, "Adaptive and low-cost machine learning methods for health care application." 
  • February 2023: Dr. Bing Yu discusses how his research combines artificial intelligence with imaging technology to increase the ability to determine the exact size and shape of breast tumors to improve the accuracy of lumpectomies in Marquette Today. 


  • September 2022:  Dr. Bing Yu has received a $1.54 million R01 research grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop an imaging tool that would more accurately detect positive tumor margins during breast conserving surgeries. Read more about the breast tumor margin imaging technology award
  • September 2022: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Biophotonics Lab, Dr. Tongtong Lu's paper gets published in Biomedical Optics Express. Titled, "Automated assessment of breast margins in deep ultraviolet fluorescence images using texture analysis", this paper reports on a two-step classification approach using texture analysis of microscopy with ultraviolet surface excitation (MUSE) images to automate the margin detection of tumor's during breast-conserving survey. 
  • September 2022: Pouya Mirzaei, a senior in Biomedical Science, has joined the Biophotonics Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome Pouya!
  • May 12, 2022:  Dr. Bing Yu and his breast tumor margin imaging team have been awarded pre-clinical pilot award from the MCW Cancer Center for the project, "Development of a deep-learning algorithm to enable deep-UV microscopy for intraoperative assessment of breast tumor margins."  The breast tumor margin imaging team includes Associate Professor Dr. Bing Yu and Postdoctoral Research Fellow Tongtong Lu, MU-MCW Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering; Assistant Professor Dr. Dong Hye Ye and Graduate Student Tyrell Lu, Marquette University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Dr. Tina Yen, MCW Department of Surgery; and Julie Jorns, MCW Department of Pathology.
  • February 24, 2022:  Tongtong Lu, who completed the oral defense of his Ph.D. in December of 2021, has submitted his final paper and been approved for graduation.  He is currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Biophotonics Laboratory and looks forward continuing work on medical device design for cancer detection using the science of biophotonics. Read Tongtong's Dissertation.


  • May 6, 2021:  Co-authored by graduate student Faraneh Fathi and Dr. Voulgarelis Stylianos, the Biophotonics manuscript entitled, "Evaluation of visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (vis-DRS) in liver tissue: validation of tissue saturations using extracorporeal circulation," has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Biomedical Optics.  Dr. Bing Yu acted as the manuscript's senior author.  Watch for publication in the coming months!
  • March 26, 2021: Dr. Yu has received a 2-year NIH R21 award in the amount of $397,797 for the project titled, “Optical confirmation and monitoring of endotracheal tube position in pediatric patients.” Collaborators include Dr. Joseph Kerschner and Dr. Wenzhou Hong.
  • March 22, 2021:  As a recipient of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, BME Undergraduate Julia Lanzar will be joining the Biophotonics Laboratory in 2021, where she will be working to develop a tissue oximeter.  Welcome Julia!
  • March 15, 2021:  Dr. Bing Yu and graduate student Tongtong Lu are featured in From Concept to Cover, an article produced by MU-MCW BME discussing the recent placement of Biophotonics Lab images on the cover of the Journal of Biomedical Optics Read From Concept to Cover
  • February 26, 2021:  Allison Scarbrough has been recognized by Marquette University for lab-based instruction in BME course Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Methods, overseen by Dr. Tanya Onushko.  In this role, Scarbrough made herself available to support students, ensured student labs ran smoothly, and led an extended team of TA's.  Congratulations Alli! Learn more about the MU Graduate Teaching Excellence Award.
  • February 1, 2021:  Chosen for her exemplification of the Marquette Mission in both her personal and academic lives, Allison Scarbrough was recently awarded the Seeds of Faith Fellowship.  This renewable, 3-year award will help support Allison as she continues her work on the bringing affordable healthcare to women in low- and middle-income countries.  Learn More about this Award. 


  • November 11, 2020:  The Journal of Biomedical Optics has recently accepted Biophotonics paper "Rapid Assessment of Breast Tumor Margins Using Deep Ultraviolet Fluorescence Scanning Microscopy" for publication and will place related imagery on their November 2020 cover.  This collaborative paper includes contributions from Tongtong Lu, Dr. Julie Jorns, Mollie Patton, Renee Fisher, Amanda Emmrich, Dr. Todd Doehring, Dr. Taly Gilat-Schmidt, Dr. Dong Hye Ye, Dr. Tina Yen, and Dr. Bing Yu.
  • November 11, 2020: "Real-Time Optical Monitoring of Endotracheal Tube Displacement" accepted for publication by MDPI Journal of Biosensors.  Collaborators include Dr. Razman Ullah, Dr. Karl Doerfer, Pawjali Khampang, Faraneh Fathi, Dr. Wenzhou Hong, Dr. Joseph E. Kerschner and Dr. Bing Yu.     
  • February 1, 2020:  Dr. Yu has been granted two new US patents: US 10,537,235 B2 on Multimodal Endoscope Apparatus (issued January 21, 2020) and US 10,524,647 B2 for A Smartphone Microendoscope System (issued January 7, 2020).  Congratulations! 


  • December 26, 2019:  SPIE has awarded Tongtong Lu with a $500 travel grant for his work on Deep UV Fluorescence Scanning Microscopy for Tumor Margin Detection. This money will help Tongtong travel to San Francisco to present his work in the upcoming year.  Congratulations Tongtong! 
  • December 26, 2019:  Lasers in Surgery and Medicine has recently accepted Dr. Bing's article Association of Liver Tissue Optical Properties and Thermal Damage for publication.  Look for this article in print in the upcoming months!  
  • October 31, 2019:  Congratulations to graduate students Hong, Lu and Freznya on their recent publication on the Smartphone Microendoscope.   This paper will be published by Scientific Reports on October 31, 2019.  
  • September 9, 2019:  The Marquette-MCW Biomedical Engineering Department and Biophotonics lab would like to extend a warm welcome to new Ph.D. student Allison Spaulding.  Allison received her Bachelors of Science in biomedical engineering at MSOE in 2019.  Her interests include instrumentation and image processing. 
  • September 3, 2019:  Dr. Yu and graduate student Tongtong Lu will be presenting on Breast Tumor Margin Imaging at the BMES annual meeting in October of this year.  The BMES annual meeting hosts over 2000 leading scientific presentations annually. 
  • August 22, 2019: Congratulations to Xiangqian Hong for defending his thesis!  Hong's focus is on applications of near-infrared spectroscopy. 
  • April 9, 2019:  Dr. Yu is scheduled to speak at Conversations with Scientists, a four-part speaker series exploring how today's biomedical engineering experts are using this cutting-edge field to transform the future of health and health care.  


  • September 9, 2018:  Ph.D. candidate Faraneh Fahti will be presenting at the BMES annual meeting in October of this year.  Faraneh's focus is on laser ablation of liver tumors.
  • September 10, 2018:  Congratulations to Xiangqian Hong for his recent paper publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Xiangqian's paper discusses the effects of papaverine on mitochondrial metabolism in solid tumors.  Read Xiangqian Hong's Paper
  • March 11, 2018:  On April 14, 2018, Dr. Yu will be presenting on  at ASLMS 2018, the 38th Annual Conference of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery.  Dr. Yu will be presenting on the association of changes in tissue optical properties with thermal tissue damage.