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About the Airway Biomechanics Laboratory

The mission of the Airway Biomechanics Laboratory at the Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering is to quantify transport processes in the respiratory tract so that we can better understand respiratory physiology and develop innovative technologies to improve the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. To accomplish this mission, we collaborate closely with an inter-disciplinary team of clinicians, biologists, engineers, and statisticians at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Marquette University, and other institutions. The Airway Lab uses computational techniques such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations, and computational biology to quantify transport processes at the macroscopic and microscopic scales. These computational models are validated with in vitro experiments and in vivo measurements performed in our lab and obtained from the literature. Examples of airway diseases studied in our lab include obstructive sleep apnea, nasal airway obstruction, chronic rhinosinusitis, and cystic fibrosis.

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In Silico, In Vitro, and In Vivo Approaches

The Marquette-MCW Airway Biomechanics Laboratory uses a wide range of computational techniques, in vitro experiments, and in vivo measurements to investigate respiratory biomechanics.  This diverse investigative toolset allows the Airway Lab to comprehensively investigate respiratory physiology and pathophysiology.

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Recent News


Shamudra Dey selected for the BME Outstanding RA Award

Mar 2024: Airway Lab graduate student, Shamudra Dey, has been selected for the Outstanding RA Award from the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering. This award recognizes the dedication and hard work of graduate students who exemplify leadership in advancing the department and college's research missions. Congratulations, Shamudra!


Headshot of Shamudra DeyShamudra Dey receives Poster Award

Dec 2023: Airway Lab graduate student, Shamudra Dey, receives a Poster Award for his poster presentation, “Estimating the dose of dry powder inhalers delivered to the larynx using computational fluid dynamics,” at MCW’s 33rd Annual Graduate School Research Poster Session. Congratulations, Shamudra!


Arrow pointing to a plumeDr. Garcia's research featured in FDA's Spotlight 

Nov 2023: Dr. Guilherme Garcia's research was featured in the U.S Food and Drug Administration's website in their Spotlight on CDER Science. The article focuses on studies being conducted on how computer simulations tracking drug-delivery to the nose and sinuses help make better nasal medicines for allergies. Read the FDA Spotlight



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