The PhD degree in BME is conferred in recognition of marked ability and high attainment in the advancement of knowledge and pursuit of truth in the field. It is never awarded solely as a result of course work completed, no matter how faithfully extended over any prescribed period of time. In defining the requirement for this degree, it is convenient to use semester credits, but it should be clearly understood that no number of credits alone entitles a student to this degree. The comprehensive knowledge expected of the student in their major field is such that the requirements for the degree usually demand no less than four years of full-time work or the equivalent beyond the BS degree.
1. Academic Status
The Joint PhD program in BME is administered through the MCW Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and hence doctoral students need to abide by the policies as laid out in the MCW Graduate School Handbook.
A doctoral student can only receive tuition waiver and stipend if they maintain a full-time status throughout the PhD program and satisfactory academic progress. Traditionally this means that 100% of the student’s activity is devoted to the PhD program. Thus, full-time students are not allowed to hold part-time work outside of the academic environment that would interfere with their doctoral work. Full-time also means 24 credits a year, which is split into 9, 9 and 6 credits for fall, spring and summer, respectively. This could be a combination of coursework and reading and research credits (see Graduate Credits below). If a student does not take a full credit load, they are not eligible for stipend or tuition waiver. Doctoral students need to be continuously enrolled for the duration of their study at a full-time level, but a student may take a Temporary Withdrawal (a.k.a. Leave of Absence) if they need to temporarily drop out of the PhD program for an extended time for personal reasons.
2. Graduate Credits
A minimum of 60 graduate credits are required to complete the PhD degree in BME. For someone entering with a BS degree, this constitutes 36 credits in didactic coursework, 9 credits in dissertation, and a minimum of 15 credits in reading and research. For those entering with an MS degree or with Graduate credits (see Transfer of Credits Policy), they are required to complete a minimum of 18 credits in didactic coursework, 9 credits in dissertation, and a minimum of 33 credits in reading and research. Pre-requisite courses for applicants who do not have a BME degree are not counted as graduate credits. Reading and research credits can be earned by registering and attending a seminar series, workshop, conference, journal club, or simply carrying dissertation-related activities. A student can register for up to 9 credits of reading and research per semester during fall and spring semesters and up to 6 credits during the summer. Students should register for dissertation credits in the semester they intend to defend their dissertation.
The graduate credits didactic coursework should include formal courses as defined at the end of this Handbook, and consist of:
- Core course requirements (18 credits): All doctoral students must complete courses that satisfy the following competencies:
- Biomedical Science (3 credits) (e.g., cellular and systems physiology, neurophysiology, intra- and inter-cellular signaling, genetics and developmental biology, pharmacology, cellular pathology, microbiology and immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, etc.) (e.g., MU BIEN 5700, MU BIEN 5720, MU BIOL 5102, MU BIOL 5703, MCW IDP 16215, 16216, 16217 and 16218, MCW IDP 16271, MCW NDP 12206, 12210, 12221, and 12237, MCW Physiol 08204)
- Biostatistical methods (3 credits) (e.g., MU MSCS 5720, MU MSCS 5740, MCW courses: BioStat 04224, BioStat 04231, BioStat 04232, BioStat 04233, BioStat 04363, BioStat 04365)
- Bioethics (2 credits) (MCW BIOETHICS 10222, MCW BIOETHICS 10444). Both courses (1 credit each) are required for all doctoral students.
- Scientific and technical writing (2 credits) (e.g., MCW IDP 16292 and 16293).
- Leadership, scientific communication, and teaching skills (2 credits) (e.g., MCW IDP 16290 and 16291, and MU GRAD 8961)
- Applied mathematics (3 credits) (e.g., applied mathematical methods, fluid mechanics, finite element methods, biomedical signal processing, signals and systems, etc.) (e.g., MU BIEN 5400, MU BIEN 5410, MU BIEN 5510, MU BIEN 6120, MU BIEN 6121, MU BIEN 6200, MU BIEN 6210, MU BIEN 6220, MU BIEN 6400, MU BIEN 6410, MU BIEN 6420, MU BIEN 6500, MU EECE 6010, MU MEEN 5265, MU MEEN 6101, MU MEEN 6102, MU MEEN 6360, MU MEEN 6365, MCW Biophys 03240)
- Computational and modeling methods (3 credits) (e.g., numerical methods for solving mathematical models of physical and biological phenomena, regression analysis, data science and machine learning, biological network analysis, computer simulations of physiological systems, etc.) (e.g., MU BIEN 5410, BIEN 5710, MU BIEN 6120, MU BIEN 6121, MU BIEN 6620, MU COSC 5600, MU COSC 5610, MU EECE 6820, MU EECE 6822, MU EECE 6840, MU MEEN 5270, MCW BIOM 35284, MCW BIOM 35285)
- Specialization-specific courses (18 credits): Courses intended to satisfy this requirement should be selected in consultation with the student’s Dissertation Director. A minimum of three unique courses relevant to each specialization are offered within a three-year timespan. Additional specialization-specific courses may be chosen from special topics offerings, overlapping courses with other specializations and graduate courses offered through other departments at MU and MCW.
- PhD students and MSTP students in the Joint BME Department are also required to register for the BME Department seminar series for the duration of their study (BIEN 6953, which counts for 0 credit/semester of reading and research). For a given semester, students are expected to attend at least two thirds of the seminars.
MSTP students in the BME PhD program must also earn a minimum of 60 graduate credits for obtaining the PhD degree. This includes a minimum of 18 credits in didactic coursework, 9 credits in dissertation, and a minimum of 33 credits in reading and research. The number of didactic courses for MSTP students is reduced from 36 to 18 credits due to the wealth of didactic coursework that MSTP students take during their M1 and M2 years. The 18 credits of required didactic coursework could be a combination of BME core and specialization-specific courses. Additional didactic coursework beyond the required 18 credits may be taken if deemed beneficial to the student’s research and training. MSTP students are required to demonstrate that they possess all core competencies.
Upon entry into the BME PhD program, an MSTP student is required to consult with their Academic Advisor to determine which didactic courses (BME core and specialization-specific courses) are most appropriate for their dissertation research and training and gaining BME core competencies.
3. Grades
Satisfactory academic work is not determined exclusively by the didactic coursework grades. However, grades are one important factor in the evaluation process. The minimum standard for graduation is a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0) and a GPA of 3.2 in core competency courses. Students with a cumulative GPA under 3.0 and/or a GPA under 3.2 in core competency courses are automatically placed on probationary status. Probationary status may only occur once during a student’s academic career in the MCW Graduate School. See the following link for more information about the MCW Graduate School probation policy. See pages 15-16 of this document regarding MCW Graduate School’s expectations for the students’ performance in the reading and research credits and the associated grading policy.
View the MCW Graduate School Handbook
4. Doctoral Dissertation Outline Form
Before deciding to take up the Doctoral Qualifying Examination (DQE), the student must meet with their Dissertation Director to identify a Doctoral Dissertation Committee. A document listing the requested committee members (Dissertation Committee Approval form) must be forwarded to the Director/Co-Director of BME Graduate Studies, the BME Department Chairperson, and the Dean of MCW Graduate School for reviewing and approval. The Dissertation Committee Approval form must be approved by the student’s Dissertation Director, the BME DGS/Co-DGS, the BME Department Chairperson, and the Dean of MCW Graduate School before the student can take the DQE.
5. Doctoral Dissertation Committee
The Doctoral Dissertation Committee consists of a Dissertation Director, at least four additional voting committee members, and additional advisory committee members, as needed. The Committee must be designed to represent expertise in the research area(s) of the dissertation. At least three committee members must hold regular (i.e. primary or secondary/adjunct) appointments in the Joint Department of BME, two of which should hold primary appointments. The Dissertation Director must be a regular faculty member in the Joint Department of BME. Dissertation Director must also have an MCW Graduate School Faculty Member Appointment at the PhD level. The Dissertation Director will assure that the appropriate paperwork is filed for the dissertation and assure that graduation requirements are met.
A voting Dissertation Committee member without a regular appointment in the Joint Department of BME must meet the following qualifications:
- Curriculum Vitae on file in the Department’s Office.
- Approval of the Dissertation Director.
- A terminal degree in the Committee Member’s chosen profession.
- Recognized expertise in the area(s) of the dissertation.
The Graduate Committee of the Joint Department of BME must approve any exceptions to these qualifications for voting members. If, at any point, for any reason, there is an addition to or removal from the Doctoral Dissertation Committee, a Committee Change Approval form and accompanying documents must be completed, signed, and on file with the graduate school before the student defends their dissertation.
6. Doctoral Qualifying Examination
The Doctoral Qualifying Examination (DQE) is intended to be both diagnostic and prognostic. The objectives are to evaluate the student’s a) breadth and depth of knowledge in the chosen area of specialization, and b) ability to apply basic engineering principles and analytical tools to address integrative questions in BME topics related to the chosen area of specialization. Students on probation are not eligible to take the DQE.
The DQE consists of two parts. The first part involves writing a dissertation proposal in the form of an NIH-style F30/F31 fellowship grant proposal and submitting it to the student’s Dissertation Committee. The second part is an oral examination, involving the student’s presentation and defense of the dissertation proposal. For this portion of the DQE, the dissertation committee members examine the student not only on their dissertation proposal, but also on the BME core competencies. The student must submit a dissertation proposal and pass the oral examination to advance to doctoral candidacy.
Students entering the PhD program with a BS degree are encouraged to take the DQE at or before the completion of 30 graduate credits of didactic coursework. MSTP students and students entering the PhD program with an MS degree are encouraged to take the DQE at or before the completion of 15 graduate credits of didactic coursework. Given the time constraints to which MSTP students must adhere, they are strongly advised to take the DQE and advance to doctoral candidacy by the end of their first year in the BME PhD program.
If the student fails the DQE, he or she will be given one additional chance to retake it, normally within 6 months or 2 semesters of the first attempt. If the second attempt is unsatisfactory, no further oral examination is permitted. Those students who fail the second attempt are permitted to complete a Joint Department of BME MS degree (thesis-based) in BME. The student’s dissertation proposal and the DQE Evaluation forms completed by each member of the student’s dissertation committee become a part of the student’s permanent file in the Office of the Joint Department of BME.
A. Dissertation Proposal
Before taking the oral examination, the student must prepare a detailed dissertation proposal (NIH-style F30/F31 fellowship grant proposal covering specific aims and hypotheses, background and significance, innovation, preliminary data, and research methodology including scientific rigor and statistical analysis). The proposal should be appended to a completed Dissertation or Thesis Proposal Approval form. The dissertation proposal should clearly state the research problem to be addressed; give a cogent perspective of the problem relative to the state of the art; discuss the methods proposed to solve the problem; and discuss the expected results, potential difficulties, and alternative approaches. As a guide, the dissertation proposal should be approximately 7 pages in length (NIH-style font, size, margins, and spacing), which is the length of an NIH fellowship grant proposal (F30/F31). The student is required to send a copy of their dissertation proposal to each member of their Dissertation Committee at least two weeks prior to taking the oral examination.
See IDP courses listed on pages 20-21 (or link below) for a course on writing an F31 proposal.
View the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences (IDP) website
B. Oral Examination
The principal focus of the oral examination will be the dissertation proposal and BME core competencies. Again, it is to be both diagnostic and prognostic, as detailed above. It is recommended that the oral examination not exceed three hours in duration.
The oral examination requires that the student present their dissertation proposal to the Dissertation Committee, followed by an extensive question-answer (QA) session on the dissertation proposal and BME core competencies. Again, the objectives of the QA session are to evaluate the student’s a) breadth and depth of knowledge in the chosen area of specialization, and b) ability to apply basic engineering principles and analytical tools to address integrative questions in BME topics related to the chosen area of specialization. At the end of the QA session, the student will be asked to leave the room. The Dissertation Director and the Dissertation Committee members will then discuss the student’s performance and determine if they have gained the requisite core knowledge and skills needed to complete the proposed work. At the end of this discussion, the Dissertation Director will take a vote of the Dissertation Committee members on whether to pass or fail the student. A majority of “pass” votes is needed for the student to pass the oral examination and advance to doctoral candidacy.
At the end of the oral examination, a Qualifying Examination Report form should also be completed by each member of the Dissertation Committee and submitted by the Dissertation Director to the BME DGS/Co-DGS and MCW Graduate School. In the DQE Evaluation Form, each Dissertation Committee member should identify the areas of weakness in the student’s dissertation proposal and oral examination. Through this process, the Dissertation Committee members will also identify any additional didactic coursework necessary to fill potential knowledge gaps required to prepare the student for ongoing research and training. Prescriptions to address the perceived weaknesses should be included in the DQE Evaluation Form.
If the student passes the oral examination, the Dissertation or Thesis Proposal Approval form along with the approved dissertation proposal must be completed by the Dissertation Director and submitted to the MCW Graduate School.
After advancing to doctoral candidacy, students should register for the required 9 hours of dissertation credits in the semester they are expected to defend their PhD dissertation. There must be at least of 18 months of duration between the student’s advancing to candidacy and defense of their PhD dissertation.
7. Academic Progress and Evaluation of Performance
Doctoral students within the Joint Department of BME shall present a summary of their research progress to their Dissertation Committee on an annual basis, commencing in the spring semester after passing the doctoral candidacy examination.
At the annual meeting (following the student presentation), the Dissertation Committee shall jointly complete a departmental assessment of the graduate student’s progress. The Dissertation Committee shall make a determination as to whether student progress is satisfactory or unsatisfactory and whether or not the student should be allowed to continue in the BME PhD program.
Following the meeting, the Dissertation Director shall draft a brief summary of student performance (20-100 words) to be submitted with the department assessment form to the Graduate Committee of the BME Department for review. The summary should also be submitted to the MCW Graduate School. In addition, the MCW Graduate School requires that the student meet with their Dissertation Director on an annual basis to complete an assessment rubric (MCW Graduate School form) to be submitted to the MCW Graduate School.
Based on the student’s academic work (cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and a GPA of 3.2 in core competency courses) and progress and performance (annual progress reports from student’s dissertation committee), the BME Graduate Committee shall recommend to the BME Department Chairperson and the Academic Standing Committee as to whether the student is performing satisfactory work. If the student is not performing satisfactory work, the Graduate Committee and the Academic Standing Committee will recommend one of the following:
- A probationary period of two semesters.
- Transfer to the MS program in BME at MU.
- Withdrawal from the BME PhD program.
- If a student is not performing satisfactory work, the student, Dissertation Director, Academic Advisor, Academic Standing Committee, and the Dean of MCW Graduate School will be notified in writing by the Department Chair. The student may be placed on probation for two semesters, advised to transfer to the joint MS program in BME,or counseled to withdraw from the BME doctoral studies. The proposed program will follow MCW Graduate School probationary policy.
8. Publications
PhD students are required to submit at least one first-authored manuscript to a refereed journal in the field based on their doctoral dissertation work prior to their public defense of dissertation.
See IDP courses under the Core Competencies (or link below) for a course on writing a scientific paper.
View the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences (IDP) website
Also see the MU Writing Center for additional help with writing your dissertation or a scientific paper.
Go to MU Writing Center website
9. Public Defense of Dissertation
An acceptable doctoral dissertation must meet all the following 3 conditions:
- The dissertation must represent an original research contribution as determined by the student’s Dissertation Director and Committee members.
- The dissertation must show a high degree of achievement and a clear ability to do independent research.
- The format of the dissertation must follow the “Dissertation Directives” issued by the MCW Graduate School.
When the student and their Dissertation Director consider the dissertation to be in appropriate form, the student should submit a copy to each member of the Dissertation Committee. This should be done a minimum of 2 weeks (14 days) before the scheduled final examination. In addition, a dissertation defense announcement should be sent to the Graduate School at least 30 days prior to defense. It is the obligation of the student to arrange a time and place on the MU or MCW campus for the final examination. In addition, it is the obligation of the student to meet all appropriate deadlines as indicated in the MCW and MU Graduate School “Academic Calendar”. Students must follow MCW Graduate School rules for dissertation defense and meet all the requirements.
There shall be a minimum of 18-month period between advancement to candidacy and dissertation defense.
A public defense of the dissertation (final oral examination) is conducted after the student has completed all other formal requirements for the PhD degree and has submitted the written dissertation to their Dissertation Committee. Although the examination is primarily a defense of the dissertation, it will also include material relevant to the general field in which the dissertation is written, with particular attention to the more recent and significant developments in the field. Because the examination is a public defense, it must be scheduled on MU or MCW campus during weekday working hours, avoiding public or religious holidays. All dissertation defenses will be held in the format of a departmental seminar. The student will give a formal presentation of work followed by questions invited from all present. Immediately following the seminar, the student will meet privately with the Dissertation Committee. In this private meeting the Committee will address concerns with the oral presentation and written elements of the dissertation.
The student’s Dissertation Director will inform the Chairperson of the Joint Department of BME of the examination outcome. The Dissertation Director will also forward this information to the MCW Graduate School in a “Committee & Program Director Final Recommendations” along with a list of requirements within two weeks after the dissertation defense. It is assumed that the dissertation will be reviewed and edited until it meets the approval of all the committee members. However, when complete consensus seems impossible to achieve, it will be accepted if the Dissertation Director and three other committee members approve. Three copies of the completed dissertation along with a completed “Graduate School Degree Completion Checklist” form are then submitted to the MCW Graduate School.
10. Time Limitations
All work for doctoral degrees, including the final examination, must be completed within 7 years from the initial registration in graduate courses.