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Stories from BME
Elise Raschke Leads with Intention
Sep 2024: Biomedical engineering student Elise Raschke leads with a heart for service. Driven by her faith, the biomedical engineering student and high achiever … Continue Reading
Schmit and Hyngstrom seek to Improve Balance
Jun 2024: Participants in project led by Dr. Brian Schmit improve mobility by engaging in high intensity training on a treadmill that challenges their sense of balance. … Continue Reading
Goldberg Wins TAA New Textbook Award
Mar 2024: Biomedical Engineering Design, a textbook co-authored by Dr. Jay Goldberg, professor of practice in biomedical engineering, is one of 25 texts to earn a TAA Most Promising … Continue Reading
In the News
Grants & Awards
- Dash, Ranjan (Co-Principal Investigator); Cowley, Allen (Principal Investigator); “High Salt Remodels Renal Cortical and Proximal Tubular Metabolism: Metabolic Fuels, Oxidative Stress, and Hypertension.” Sponsored by the NIH: National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (January 2025–December 2028).
- Joseph LeSeuer wins Friends of MCW Excellence in Research Award (November 2024)
- Summer Medical Students, Wesley Glime and Clayton Lundberg, Win Awards at CTSI Poster Session (November 2024)
- Dr. Sayantan Sinha, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Nanomedicine & Image-Guided Interventions Laboratory, wins J.C. Bose Award for novel Glaser Coupling methodology (October 2024)
- Joshi, Amit (Principal Investigator); Sun, Daochun (Co-Investigator); Gantner, Benjamin (Co-Investigator); Basel, Donald (Co-Investigator); “Photo-Triggered Trojan-Horse Drug Delivery for MPNST Tumor Cell Death and Macrophage Reprogramming.” Sponsored by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (July 2024–June 2026).
- Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Phelan, Rachel (Co-Investigator); Bingen, Kristin (Co-Investigator); “Cognitive Dysfunction Related to Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Behavior and Neuroimaging.” Sponsored by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (July 2024–June 2026).
- Tefft, Brandon J. (Principal Investigator); "CAREER: Origami-inspired design for a tissue engineered heart valve." A CAREER Award sponsored by the National Science Foundation (July 2024–June 2029).
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