Dr. Adam S. Greenberg

Dr. Adam S. Greenberg
Dr. Adam S. GreenbergMarquette University

Translational and Biomedical Research Center, C2023

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 955-2493
Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor

Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering

Associate Professor

MCW Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Associate Dean of Postdoctoral Education

MCW Graduate School



Sensory Neuroscience, Attention, & Perception Laboratory (SNAP Lab)


Learn More About SNAP Lab


Professional Preparation

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, 20102013, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Ph.D., 2010, Psychological & Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
  • M.S., 2001, Biomedical Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • B.S., 1996, Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University

Courses Taught

BIEN 4931 Topics in BME—Scientific Computing for Engineering

BIEN 4931/5931 Topics In BME—Advanced Seminar in Neuroimaging

BIEN 6960 Seminar: Journal Club—Neuroimaging Journal Club, where students and faculty lead group discussions around published journal papers with the focus of exploring both the theoretical and applied aspects of neuroimaging




Research Interests

  • Cognitive Neuroscience of attention in both normal human volunteers and patient populations during visual and auditory stimulation
  • Behavioral and neurological biomarkers of cognitive decline associated with disease (e.g., age-related hearing loss, early onset dementia) or treatment (e.g., chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, breast cancer hormone therapy, anesthesia)
  • Human psychophysics and computational modeling of perceptual phenomena
  • Brain network dynamics of cognitive control using functional/structural neuroimaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation

Recent Publications

View recent publications uploaded from the Faculty Collaboration Database.

Recent Grants

Active Grants

  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Ryan Spellecy (Co-Investigator); “Fostering Postdoc Flourishing: Enhancing Postdoctoral Professional Development at MCW through large-scale IDP Adoption.” Sponsored by the Kern Family Foundation (February 2025–January 2027).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Phelan, Rachel (Co-Investigator); Bingen, Kristin (Co-Investigator); “Cognitive Dysfunction Related to Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Behavior and Neuroimaging.” Sponsored by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (July 2024–June 2026).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Uyar, D. (Co-Investigator); “Assessing Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction in the Elderly.” Sponsored by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (January 2024–December 2024).
  • Carroll, J. (Principal Investigator); Greenberg, Adam (Co-Investigator); “Retinal Contributions to Vision Loss in Albinism.” Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health—National Eye Institute (July 1, 2022–June 1, 2026).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); "fMRI Reverse Correlation as a Novel Method for Revealing Computations Underlying Perceptual Grouping."  Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Cognitive Neuroscience Program (October 2021–September 2025).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); "Leveraging Cognitive Science to Identify Biomarkers of Chemobrain." A medical research RFP sponsored by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation (2017–2024).

Recently Past Grants

  • Pezzin, L. (Principal Investigator); Greenberg, Adam (Co-Investigator); “Understanding the Real World Effects of Breast Cancer and its Treatment on Cognitive Functioning: A Longitudinal, Nationally Representative Study.” Sponsored by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (August 1, 2022–July 31, 2024).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Umfleet, Laura (Co-PI); and Fitzgerald, Jacklynn (Co-PI); " Neuroimaging and behavioral evidence of subjective cognitive decline in adults at risk for Alzheimer's disease." A Pilot Award sponsored by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute of Southeast Wisconsin (April 1, 2022–March 31, 2023).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Harris, Michael (Co-Principal Investigator); "Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Cognitive Decline Associated with Age-Related Hearing Loss." Sponsored by the Medical College of Wisconsin Neuroscience Research Center (2021–2022).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Co-Principal Investigator); Huddleston, Wendy. (Principal Investigator); "Individual differences in voxel-wise modeling of attention fields in the human motor system."  Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Research Growth Initiative (2019–2022).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Kong, A. (Co-Principal Investigator); "An iPad App for At-Home Evaluation & Mitigation of Chemobrain Symptoms." A Biomedical Engineering Pilot Award sponsored by Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (2020–2021).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Shah-Basak, P. (Co-Principal Investigator); "Increased Precision of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation:  Future Applications to Chemobrain."  A limited-needs RFA sponsored by the Medical College of Wisconsin Office of Research (2020–2021).
  • Greenberg, Adam (Principal Investigator); Larson, C. (Co-Principal Investigator); DeYoe, E. (Co-Principal Investigator); "Neuropsychological & Neurobiological Markers of Attentional Control Fluctuations Associated with Anxiety." A pilot grant sponsored by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute of Southeast Wisconsin (2018–2021).

Investigator working in the lab.

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