Ph.D., 2004, Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
B.S., 1998, Biomedical Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI
Courses Taught
BIEN 6440 Biomedical Engineering Analysis of Trauma—An engineering analysis of the physiological changes following impact to the head, spinal cord, and limbs, and electrical events and effects on tissues are treated
Basic biomechanics of the cervical and lumbar spine
Automotive safety
Recent Publications
View recent publications uploaded from the Faculty Collaboration Database.
Recent Grants
Stemper, Brian (Co-Investigator); Kroner-Milsch, Antje (Principal Investigator); “Establish and Validate a Model of Concomitant Neurotrauma.” Sponsored by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (January 2025–December 2025).
Stemper, Brian (Principal Investigator); Yoganandan, Narayan (Co-Principal Investigator); Muftuler, L. Tugan (Co-Investigator); Baisden, Jamie (Co-Investigator); Hainsworth, Keri (Co-Investigator); Raff, Hershel (Co-Investigator); "Determination of the Etiology of Neck and Back Pain in High Performance Aircrew." Sponsored by the United States Air Force: Air Force Research Laboratory Wright Research Site (September 23, 2022–September 30, 2025).
Stemper, Brian (Co-Investigator); Wang, Yang (Principal Investigator); McCrea, Michael (Co-Principal Investigator, PD); Meier, Timothy (Co-Investigator); Nelson, Lindsay (Co-Investigator); Szabo, Aniko (Co-Investigator); “Effects of Head Impact Exposure During Contact Sport on Middle School and High School Athletes.” Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health Neurological Disorders and Stroke (April 1, 2019–March 31, 2023).
Stemper, Brian (Principal Investigator); Olsen, Chris (Co-Investigator); Budde, Matthew (Co-Investigator); McCrea, Michael (Co-Investigator); “Determination of factors that influence addiction-related outcomes following brain injury.” Sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Research and Development (March 01, 2020–February 28, 2024).
Stemper, Brian (Site Principal Investigator); Yoganandan, Narayan (Co-Investigator); Pintar, Frank (Co-Investigator); “Incapacitation Prediction for Readiness in Expeditionary Domains: an Integrated Computational Tool (I-PREDICT).” Sponsored by Southwest Research Institute through a prime award from MTEC (March 1, 2018–July 31, 2023).
Stemper, Brian (Co-Principal Investigator); McCrea, Michael (Co-Investigator); Harezlak, Jaroslaw (Contact Principal Investigator); “Influence of the College Football Athletes' Cumulative Head Impact Exposure (HIE) on the mTBI incidence and post-mTBI health outcomes.” Sponsored by Indiana University through a prime award from The National Institutes of Health, NINDS (March 01, 2022–February 28, 2026).
Stemper, Brian (Site Principal Investigator); Dietz, Anthony (Principal Investigator); “In-Ear Exposure Sensor with Integrated Noise Attenuation and Communications Capabilities Phase II.” Sponsored by Paxauris, LLC, through a prime award from US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (March 7, 2022–January 2, 2024).
Stemper, Brian (Co-Principal Investigator); Yoganandan, Narayan (Principal Investigator); Baisden, Jamie (Co-Investigator); “Behind Armor Blunt Trauma Consortium: Injuries, Mechanisms, and Biomedical Injury Criteria.” Sponsored by MTEC (October 6 2021–October 25, 2024).
Stemper, Brian (Co-Investigator); Muftuler, L Tugan (Principal Investigator); Budde, Matthew (Co-Investigator); “Investigating intervertebral disc endplate degeneration for non-specific low back pain.” Sponsored by Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Foundation (July 1, 2022–June 30, 2024).