Course Dates
No courses are scheduled at this time.
Madison Police Training Center
5702 Femrite Dr.
Madison, WI 53718
For general questions, contact Christel Boeck
Ph: 608-261-9675
Course Outline | Registration Information | COVID Compliance
The Wisconsin Crash Injury Research & Engineering Network Center works with the NHTSA and medical and engineering centers throughout the country to improve the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of motor vehicle crash injuries to reduce deaths, disabilities, and human and economic costs.
The injuries sustained by the occupant of a motor vehicle accident are evidence that can be used to show where occupants were seated at the time of a crash. Co-hosted by the Wisconsin CIREN Center and the Madison Police Department, the Occupant Kinematics Training for the Traffic Crash Reconstructionist course is designed to teach law enforcement personnel techniques for integrating injury evidence with forensic evidence and the EDR to determine who was seated where in a vehicle at the time of impact. Understanding how various types of evidence correspond to occupant kinematics provide a basis for explaining why claims that ‘the dead guy was driving’ may be inconsistent with established facts. The course will consist of classroom presentations, hands-on analysis of case histories, and a live crash test where students will determine if their predictions about occupant motion were correct.
The Occupant Kinematics Training course runs for four consecutive days, and activities are held in both Milwaukee, WI, and Madison, WI. Day One, Day Two and Day Four take place at the Madison Police Training Center. On Day Three, participants will either attend hands-on scene investigation demonstrations at the Madison Impound Yard or at the MCW Vehicle Crash Test Facilities in Milwaukee.
General Approach and Guiding Principles for Occupant Kinematics
Occupant Kinematics and Crash Reconstruction
Hands-On Scene Investigation
CIREN Case Studies
Registration is currently closed for this event.
Participants will be required to follow all current regulations as indicated each date of the event, including regulations initiated at Federal, state, local, and organizational levels. Participants should be prepared to comply with regulations such as mask wearing, social distancing, and symptom or temperature checks for vaccinated and unvaccinated participants, as appropriate and as deemed necessary at the discretion of each hosting entity.